Thin Strips Make A Striking Quilt

Mix Bold Prints and Soft Prints
Scale with the high volume and low volume prints alternating to create this design. A simple quilt that goes together quick as it is made entirely of chain stitching, and all straight seams and none of them match up, so really, you don’t even need pin!
Delightfully fat quarter friendly, with room to add strips from scrap stash. Fabric placement is so easy, using prints and textures to create the ‘scaled’ effect, by selecting and sorting into piles of 10 low volume and 10 high volume.
Be sure to cut from all your remaining fat quarters so you have lots of variety. Then place a high volume strip onto a low volume with right sides together and stitch a 1/4″ seam along the end. Strips are chain pieced, a great time saver.
To create the scale, it’s simply adding various size rectangles to the end of each strip, and sew strip sets together. Thin strips give such a striking look, and its super friendly for beginners. Make this quilt using Jelly Roll strips, selecting 25 high volume, and 28 low volume strips just the same.
‘Playing The Scales’, designed by Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting Melissa, is a finished size of 62″ x 66″, and available as a free pattern.