Totally Inspiring To Add Words To The Back Of Your Quilt

Add Words To The Back Of Your Quilt Project Is Totally Endearing
The back of the quilt is just as special as the quilt top. There’s no better place than to add a label or special endearment. Adding words to the back with a simple message like this quilt simply saying ‘Love’ just melts the heart. And so there are no two quilts alike. Adding the words make the quilt unique and a special keepsake.
It’s pretty easy to add words to the quilt. Instead of doing all the piecing, Quilt Taffy zigagged the edges of the word ‘Love’ onto the backing and secured with quilting.
Choose the words using a nice font, cursive in this case.Download the font and print out in Word sizing up 500 times. The font for this quilt can be found here.
Print out the font on paper. Trace word backwards onto the heat and bond then cut out the word.
Lay the heat n’bond word onto the backing fabric. Adhere to the wrong side of the fabric.
Cut the letters out and zigzag stitch around the edges of the letters onto the block.
Secure with quilting.
Images:Quilt Taffy
and beautiful pieced too.
A sweet story from Disdressed