Tube Quilting Magic

A Seven Minute Tube Quilting Tutorial.
Create a beautiful double hourglass, set on point. Cut two strips of contrasting fabric, two and a half inches wide. Sew them together using a quarter of an inch seam. Set your seam by pressing. Press to the side of the darkest fabric.If you’ve a quarter of an inch seam, when you measure the width of the fabric it should be four and a quarter inch wide. Measure to be sure.
Cut an additional strip of fabric four and quarter inches wide. For best effect, it should be a lighter contrasting colour.With right sides together sew the pieces of fabric together with a quarter inch seam. Sew both sides to make a tube. Lay the fabric on your cutting board. Place the ruler with the 45 degree line lined up with your quarter of an inch seam. Make the cut. It will be at an angle.
You’ll be cutting triangles. Then slide the omnigrid ruler down and put it on the bottom seam line. Make a cut. Eventually you’ll end up with four triangles. Put the triangles together and the patterns form beautifully.
That’s tube quilting!
Watch the video for a better view of the results. It’ll be the best 7 minutes of your quilting day!
Be careful cutting! I think the video says to line up the ruler with the stitch line. I lined up with the edge of the strip. My mistake.
Also,do not cut your material to 4 1/4 inch. That is a mistake in the video and should have been corrected. The correct cut would be 4 1/2 if you use an accurate 1/4 inch seam.