What To Do With An Overflowing Bin Of Two And A Half Inch Scrap Strips

This Fun Nine Patch Is Just The Best Scrap Buster.
Stitch this super fun ‘Sisters Choice’ quilt from Quiltville’s Bonnie Hunter.
Sisters Choice is the perfect 10 inch block using 2 1/2″ strips for a fun nine patch. Dive into the scrap basket (which is hopefully already cut down to 2 1/2 strips ready to use). Start by pulling out neutrals from white to tan for the background pieces. The neutrals can all be different. The pieces need to be large enough to cut 2 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ rectangles, and/or use up 2 1/2″ squares.
Carla from Cora’s Quilts used up two jelly rolls for her Sisters Choice, perfect for a quilt needing all 2.5 inch squares and rectangles. Her color combos’ created a pretty homespun quilt, picking out the low volume prints for the background.
Bonnie chose to use green as one unifying color for the star points.
The perfect scrap busting project for a beautiful throw. Or make a bed size adding more blocks.