Thread Catcher And Don’t Forget To Add The Pin Cushion!

April 30, 2016 | Free Quilt Patterns, Pin Cushions And Covers
| Thread Catcher With Pin Cushion Add-On Great Combination.
A great mobile thread catcher to make along with the pin cushion and handy pocket for sewing tools. The pin cushion is weighted and can be perched on the armrest of your couch. Being weighted, it supports the small pocket for seam ripper, scissors or any other sewing accessory. Un-button the thread catcher as needed.
Use the thread catcher without the pin cushion and cubby. It’s totally mobile. After looking through the pattern tutorial, it simple and straight forward to sew. Anyone can do this.
A wool felt strip placed in the middle of the pin cushion is handy for sewing needles.