Citrus Sizzler Orange Peel Quilt Makes A Dazzling Spring Table Topper Too

From A Citrus Sizzler To More Ideas For A Spring Table Topper.
It’s not often you find a pattern that is so easily adapted to two projects. The new Citrus Sizzler, delicious with buttery yellow fabric for the background. With intermediate skills, you’ll find this simple shape melon applique a breeze. The same fabric used for the background is also used for the border creating an infinite spring field of petals. The neutral background and seamless flow to the border play up the pretty petals.
When making a lot of ‘melons’ a really good idea is to trace the melon onto template plastic and keep that as a template, rather than trying to trace the fusible from the magazine or pattern page. Then when using something like fusible pellon, it’s much quicker and easier to trace off the fusible melon from the plastic template. In no time at all the melons are traced to the Pellon, ready to cut out and use, are more accurate, and saves a lot of time.
Once the melon shapes are drawn onto the pellon, the idea is not to cut the pellon fusible out along the draw line. Instead bubble cut it, meaning when you cut out the melon, cut following the shape, but leaving at least half an inch passed the line. Next cut out most of the center of the melon, cutting at least half an inch away from the draw line on the inside. Then fuse onto the wrong side of the fabric and cut the fabric melon out. It’s a great idea. I always keep the middle pieces of pellon that’s been cut out and throw them in a bag for itty bitty projects later. The 8 minute video below will explain exactly how to make an orange peel petal, and also includes the pellon fusible tip. It’s worth the watch.
Iron the pellon onto the wrong side of the fabric, and cut the petal out along the pencil drawline. Then peel off the pellon leaving the fabric feeling a little tacky. Next, place it on the background square. Now you’re ready to raw edge applique or applique of your choice. (I have also seen petal edges left to go a little raggy but that is away from the traditional orange peel and not as fresh and crisp).
From the Citrus Sizzler, to this fresh spring Orange Peel table topper. This was originally a 2015 quilt along from The Crafty Quilter. I added it to the Citrus Sizzler quilt because it’s kind of along the same lines and includes a free pattern download. You might not want to make the full size quilt and just enjoy a small orange peel project, making something like this delightful spring table topper
Just look at the pretty quilting on this table topper from JillMC on Quilting Board.
Crafty Quilters Spring Table Topper.
The Citrus Sizzler, Designer Diane Fama, updated the traditional orange peel, created a sunny tropical quilt. Using 10″ pre cuts this is a quick-to-make quilt.