Flower Petals With Pellon Fusible To Finish The Daisy Easy

Use Pellon Fusible To get The Perfect Flower Petal.
Now this is a dandy idea, although it’s probably been around since Pellon fusible came out. However, if you’ve never come across this idea before then it’s worth a quick read. Instead of using two pieces of fabric turned right side out to make a flower petal with a nice finish. rather use Pellon fusible interfacing as the second fabric. Stitch a lightweight Pellon fusible interfacing, fusible side facing the right side of the fabric, on to the flower petal fabric.
Look at these pretty little petals that were made using the pellon fusible idea.
Draw a template of the flower petal. If you’re using 5″ charm square, once stitched the finished block will end up at 4 1/2″ square. Work with a square of 4 1/4″ and draw the shape of the petal from corner to corner.
Trace the shape of the petal onto the non fusible side of the Pellon simply because its much easier to work on the non fusible side side, than the fusible side. A pencil works well.
Cut out the petal shapes, in fabric, and in Pellon fusible, simply eyeballing an extra 1/4″ for a seam allowance. Place fabric right side up, and place the fusible side on the fabric. Pin to secure. Stitch along the pencilled line. Be sure to pivot at the points of the petal to that you don’t get a round looking petal leaf…unless you want to of course 🙂
Trim around the stitching to 1/8″. Trim the corners of the petal taking care not to cut into the stitching.
Gently pull the fabric and Pellon fusible apart. Cut a small slit into the Pellon. Don’t cut the fabric at all.
Gently pull the fabric through the slit and turn right side out. Work at the edges pushing them out using a stylus ( I use a chopstick) until the petal is completed turned right side out. Finger press along the seams.
Place the petal onto the 5″ square. Press. The fusing will be on the outside now and will fuse to the 5″ square. Press both sides. No need to top stitch the petals since you can do that when you quilt.
Put four 5″squares together to form a flower or simply use the squares to make a random pattern.
Work out how many 5″ squares you’ll be needing for your quilt and position them in the pattern that you would like and stitch your squares together. Once your quilt top is complete layer with batting and backing and baste. Quilt and secure the petals at the same time by top stitching the edges of the petals.
This the Pellon Fusible lightweight interfacing that was used for these flower petals.
Click here to get the Pellons fusible interfacing.
Article Source:crazyoldladiesquilts.blogspot.com