Gooseberry Lane Autumn Quilt With Falling Leaves

Autumn Leaves Fall Softly Between Rail Fence Blocks.
A strip of pieced autumn leaves tumble between rail fence blocks. A beginner friendly rail fence and lots of practice with half square triangle maple leaf blocks, this lush Falling Leaves quilt glimmers in autumn and winter colors, made with Moda’s Gooseberry Lane, but any color scheme would work as well.
For the rail fence and Maple blocks, one jelly roll plus some yardage, Charlene from Just Because Quilts uses the stitch and flip method for the leaves. The leaves are pieced as also the stem. A quick assembling of the leaf row is instant gratification, and Charlene describes how the blocks come together…
Completed blocks will cascade downward in a helter skelter fashion.
… just as falling leaves do in Autumn!
The quilt top almost completes itself as the Maple Leaf row is quickly sewn to the rail fence row, working to show off the color and prints of the fabric. The blocks as well as the maple leaves are made from jelly strips and show off intricate piecework while looking much more complicated than they truly are. While the blocks require a lot of cutting, measuring, and sewing, using pre cuts save so much time, and the color co-ordinates are already in place. Grab a Gooseberry Lane or your favorite jelly roll and have a delicious quilt to snuggle under well before the season is out.
This lap quilt finishes at 42″ x 58″.