Homespun Rag Quilt The Beauty Is Raw Edges And Simple Squares

Homespun Rag Quilt With Blossoms Sews Together So Quick
This rag quilt might be the easiest rag you’ve ever sewn. Tartan style fabric does the work for you, and adding a few blossoms here and there make this quilt really appealing. The beauty comes from rag edges and simple squares of homespun fabric. You’ll be amazed how fast it sews together.
The pattern is based on using Homespun fabric making this raggy quite light. Yet it looks warm and inviting. The blossoms are a neat addition for some extra appeal.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Top: 1-1/4 yards of homespun fabric in four colors
- Flowers: 1/2 yard of homespun fabric
- Flower Centers: 1/4 yard of homespun fabric
- Backing: 4-1/2 yards of homespun fabric
- 1 yard of cotton batting
- Pattern (pdf template of the blossom)
Matching thread, some basic quilting supplies. Will be fine done on a domestic sewing machine.
Use 1″ seams throughout
1. For quilt top, cut sixteen 9″ squares from each of four homespun fabrics for a total of 64 squares. Cut sixty-three 6-3⁄4″ squares from batting. Cut sixty-three 9″ squares from homespun for backing.
2. Make a little quilt sandwich of backing square (right side down), batting square (centered on backing square), and top square (right side up). Quilt as desired. (We chose to meander quilt.)
3. Enlarge pattern to desired size and cut out flower motif. (Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download PDF pattern. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download the program for free.) We used 15 flowers and scattered them randomly on quilt top squares. Attach motif by quilting to within 1/4” of edge of both flower center and flower.
4. Using 1″ seam allowance, form row by stitching 7 squares together, right sides of backing together (seam allowances on right side of quilt). Press all seam allowances open.
5. Make 9 rows with 7 squares in each row. Stitch rows together, with right sides of backing together (seam allowances on right side of quilt). Press seam allowances open.
6. Sew 1″ around outside edges of quilt to stay-stitch.
7. Clip seam allowances at 1/2” to 3/4” intervals, being careful not to clip into seams or staystitching.
8. To fringe seam allowances, wash and dry quilt.
A closer look at the blossoms sprinkled through the homespun rag quilt.