How To Bind A Quilt With A Sewing Machine – No Fail Techniques

How To Bind A Quilt With A Sewing Machine Using These No Fail Techniques.
Take a look at these nifty techniques on how to bind a quilt with a sewing machine. Follow these smart techniques and they are truly a no fail. To start with, a good way is to cut the width of the binding strip at 2 1/2 inches. Then fold over length ways and press nice and neat.
After pressing a couple of strips, open up the fabric strip and lay it down with the right side of the fabric facing upward. The take a second strip and with fabric right sides together and lay the binding trip at a ninety degree angle on top. Stitch diagonally from one corner of the biding strip to the other.
After stitching the first binding trip, take the other end and place the next strip on top at a ninety degree angle. Stitch diagonally from corner to the next. Continue till all strips are sewn in this way and until you have sufficient to bind your quilt. Trim ends off at the seam leaving a 1/4 seam allowance.
The next thing is to sew the binding to the quilt. The most important thing is how you start it, and where you sew it.
Turn the quilt over so the back of the quilt is facing you. Here’s where you can be sure to get a perfect finish to your binding by using a binding tool. It makes it so easy. Measure about 12 inches from the end. Use a pin to mark the spot. Lay the binding down onto the quilt starting at the pin mark. Leave an extra piece of 10 inches passed the pin mark. Stitch the binding to the back of the quilt.
Stop stitching about 1/2 inch from the end. Turn the quilt to start sewing the next piece. Tuck in and fold over the binding at the corner.
Stitch over to secure and continue stitching the side of the quilt. This would be the same way to do it for the front and the back of the quilt.
Once the binding is sewn on, turn the quilt over. Fold the binding over to the front of the quilt. Stitch with a straight stitch or use decorative stitching. It’s looks great.
You might even add a little rick rack or something to fancy up the binding.
Stitch the binding to the quilt.
Miter the corners…
Binding a quilt with a sewing machine is a lot faster than hand binding for sure, and you have the choice of the decorative stitching too.
This video will show you exactly how to bind a quilt with a sewing machine if you’re still not sure of the steps.
Imgs:Youtube Missouri Star Quilt Company