How To Make Prairie Points

How To Make Prairie Points – Easy.
Prairie points add an old fashioned feel to a project and can be made in any fabric. Add them to a project as you wish. They look great along borders and even on caddys and fabic baskets. Add color and texture to any project. Most prairie points are small and are perfect scrap busters. I always feel they add a professional finish a quilt and they’re fun to make. They seem old fashioned, yet I really like the effect you get when you use them on a quilt.
First up, what are prairie points? They are quite simply folded triangles that you can use to decorate a quilt. They’re most often sewn around the quilt’s outer edges, but prairie points can be placed anywhere. I’ve grabbed some examples further down that will really inspire you. But first..
There are two types of prairie points. Prairie points with open folds at the centre. Prairie points with open folds along their sides.
Sizing Tip
* To make a prairie point, start with a square of fabric. Point to remember when planning:- The length of the base of a prairie point’s triangle is half of its finished height.
* The desired height at the finished point X 2
cut squares 1/2″ taller and wider than the calculated dimension
How to make prairie points with open folds at the centre. This type of prairie point should be sewn to the quilt so that its decorative opening is visible when the triangle is flipped right side up.
How to make prairie points with open folds along the sides. This type of prairie point produces a finished triangle with an open edge along one side. Tuck triangles into the openings as you distribute them along the quilt.
Prairie points using two colors back to back. These are double prairie points.
Attach prairie points to quilt edge or deeper in with an added border for contrast. The sky’s the limit!
You can place prairie points anywhere, not just around the edges of a quilt. Try them between blocks or use small prairie points to surround applique shapes.
Look at these great ideas!
Prairie points for kids.
Watch this video tutorial on how to make prairie points. There are also great tips and tricks included.
I couldn’t resist a second (4 minute)video below, showing you how to make double prairie points. Look at the effect of using two colors. Watch this 4 minute video on how to make double prairie points.
Feature Image:Youtube Shabby Fabrics
Photo credits:craftsy, login.greatbignews, My Quilting Adventures, creativelongarmquilting