Stackable Fabric Baskets Great For Scraps And Anything Else

It’s Great To Always Have A Basket At Hand.
This scrap bucket pattern is perfect for storing all your scraps, stash, and so much more. They’re sturdy and have a wide top so it’s easy to see what’s inside. It’s amazing how much fabric these buckets hold. They’re stackable too, a great space saver, and so handy to reach for when you need something quick. A tidy helper and they look nice too.
Use any scraps at all! Mix and match bright colors and even fabric bits you’ve never liked. Sew the scraps together to make the fabric for the basket. To create a quilted look include an extra layer of fusible which will help to make the bucket more sturdy. When the basket is firm and not flopping over, it’s so much easier to drop in stuff like fabric scraps while you’re working with a project.
To personalize the basket choose one or two pieces related to the theme. If making for the sewing room, use a couple of pieces with cotton reels or vintage sewing machines.Use several of the same print in two or three baskets, make a matching set for a fun display in your sewing room. If making for a dog lover, use random scraps for the entire basket. Only one or two pieces of dog fabric is all that’s needed to get a dog themed basket.
These fun scrappy baskets sew up quickly. Use up scraps and turn them into baskets!