The Best Tips For Successful Fussy Cutting

Top Ten Tips For Fussy Cutting Your Favorite Fabrics.
Make the most of the fabulous motifs and charming effects that can be achieved with fussy cutting. ‘Fussy Cutting’ simply means to intentionally cut a piece of fabric that features a specific detail or image, leaving nothing to chance. You could even create your own masterpiece from scraps using the prettiest pieces to put on display.
Allow your eye to wonder over the fabric, then pick out sections that you would like to feature in your project. Fussy cutting your favorite parts isn’t the most economical way to cut fabric, but you can throw the rest towards scraps for more projects. If planning a special project purchase a bit of extra yardage to make sure you don’t run out.
Look out for fussy-friendly fabrics like the Dear Stella prints, with great motifs that can easily be fussy cut. Count the number of times the motif repeats to make sure you have enough for your project. You can also make cuts that feature a variety of the images and spread them over your entire quilt.
Vivika DeNegre of the Quilting Company has put together the best list I’ve seen for fussy cutting. She suggests trying a different angle like putting the motif on point. Cut a viewing template from cardboard and frame the motif. This helps if the print is busy and creates a picture frame for a more visual of the piece you would like to use.
You’ll love the mix and match ideas of how to use a stand-out image and pair it with a solid or tiny print that brings it to life!