2 1/2 Inch Strips Are All You Need For This Star Quilt

Make This Entire Star Quilt Using 2 1/2 Inch Strips.
It’s amazing what you can create with 2 1/2 inch strips of fabric. This Christmas star quilt almost twinkles. The stars are made from half square triangles made form 2 1/2 inch strips. It’s hard to imagine making a star from strips but it works. Perfect stars. Using mostly two colors plus an extra neutral, make the blocks following the color way instructions. When you turn the blocks and lay them out together, a star is formed. The blocks won’t be constructed in this way but it shows clearly how the star is formed. Instead you will make six of each and put them together in rows.
The rows are then put together and create the uniformity of this delightful star quilt top.
When digging through scraps decide on the two main colors and collect as many of those two colors as you can. They can be any mixed prints of those two colors. Of the two colors they can be light, medium, dark, busy prints or solids so there’s a wide choice here leaving a lot of room to use up those scraps! Then find some neutrals for the third color. Again the neutrals can be a myriad of prints or solids, so this will really help reduce that scrap bag.
Follow the tutorial using fabric strips to make 120 blocks. Then watch the magic happen. The pattern is originally designed to be a Christmas star quilt. Simply use colors other than traditional red and green, and make this pretty quilt for any time of year. Kellie simply raided her bucket of 2 1/2″ strips, and made this quilt using red, green and neutral prints.
Then you will need 3/4 yard of fabric for the binding and 6 yards of backing fabric. To make the project easier use an easy angle ruler to make the half square triangles from 2.5″ strips.