Learn How To Start A Star Quilt Pattern

Anyone Can Get Started On This Star Quilt Pattern.
I couldn’t resist passing on this star quilt pattern. You don’t even need to think. Just put it together and you’ve got your star quilt. Nothing more than an 8 by 8 grid. Squares and Half Square Triangles.
What To Cut.
1st Color
– Cut 2 strips 6 5/8 in. wide. For the blocks: cut 8 squares 6 5/8 inches square. Now cut these diagonally to create 16 half square triangles.
– Cut 4 strips 6.25 inches wide. For the blocks: cut 22 blocks 6.25 inches square
– Border: 6 strips of white, (or color of your choice, but white is nice) cut at 3 inches by WOF
– Binding: 6 strips of white cut at 2.5 inches by WOF
2nd Color
– Cut 1 strip 6 5/8 in. wide. For the blocks: cut 5 squares 6 5/8 inches square. Now cut these diagonally to create 10 half square triangles
– Cut 1 strip 6.25 inches wide. For the blocks: cut 3 blocks 6.25 inches square .
3rd Color
– Cut 1 strip 6 5/8 in. wide. For the blocks: cut 5 squares 6 5/8 inches square. Now cut these diagonally to create 10 half square triangles.
– Cut 1 strip 6.25 inches wide. For the blocks: cut 3 blocks 6.25 inches square
4th Color
– Cut 1 strip 6 5/8 in. wide. For the blocks: cut 5 squares 6 5/8 inches square. Now cut these diagonally to create 10 half square triangles.
– Cut 1 strip 6.25 inches wide. For the blocks: cut 3 blocks 6.25 inches square
5th Color
– Cut 1 strip 6 5/8 in. wide. For the blocks: cut 5 squares 6 5/8 inches square. Now cut these diagonally to create 10 half square triangles.
– Cut 1 strip 6.25 inches wide. For the blocks: cut 3 blocks 6.25 inches square
Follow the diagram to lay it out row by row. Sew your half square triangles together as you go across each row.
Finished Size: 52 in. by 52 in.
Now add a border and bind. Done and ready to snuggle.
Image and star quilt pattern: anniemchugs.com