Pretty In Patchwork Doll Quilt When You Feel Like Making Something Small

Sweet Patchwork Doll Quilt For Something Small And Special.
This quaint little doll quilt brings back childhood surprises that grandma would come up with. Many handmade gifts are treasured by children. That special little gift is tucked away in a shoe box, to be taken out years later and found to hold the warmest memories.
If you feel like making something small and fun, this sweet quilt can be made in an hour. It’s satisfies that need for the feel of fabric and transforms left over fabric into something really pretty. That fabric piece that was never used because you couldn’t see it’s use in anything, might make up the sweetest doll quilt.
Simple mini charm border in pretty pink and blue set the scene for this sweet quilt. The real reason for the quilt is to make a comfortable bed for the miniature doll and her bear, each warm and snug tucked into their quilts.
These small quilt projects start a love for quilting. They’re wonderful for experimenting, building skills for piecing, color matching, and seams. Using mostly fabric scraps, there’s no catastrophe if you make a mistake.
Left over charm packs are perfect for this project. Easily size up adding an extra row. Make one or two extra miniature quilts with small bits of velcro so the ‘linen’ can be changed later. Make them in different colors, mixing and matching colors and prints. The whole project is fun, these quilts are so darned cute!
The doll quilt pattern is one of 24 little quilts to piece, stitch and love, and is found in the book ‘Pretty In Patchwork Doll Quilts’. It is a series of books with all sorts of sewing and quilting projects, to love, give as gifts, and practice from. Not just for children, many adults would love these quaint projects. They make lovely quilty gifts. The book along with some fabric and accessories would be a useful gift that would be treasured for many years to come.
Included in the book is this Dresden mini quilt. Great try out to make a dresden. Choose to do the embroidery for the center or make in the fabric of your choice.
Practice hexies making this quaint ‘I spy’ throw pillow, one of the patterns in the book, designed by Heather Bostic, which needn’t be I spy at all. Choose your prints and colors. The I spy pillow makes a great gift for any child.
Here’s the perfect project for a lattice quilt, by Penny from Sew Take A Hike. Makes a great doll quilt that any child would love for her play crib. And would also make a small table mat.
Use bright colors for this miniature Jacobs Ladder, taken from the book, designed by Rita Hodge of Red Pepper Quilts.
These quaint projects are good reason to pull out the smallest bits of scraps and make the nicest quilts, for gifts or just for fun.