Strawberry Coaster To Make Is Bright And Inviting

Quilted Strawberries Are Fun To Make
These sweet strawberry coaster are quick to make, and bring a little fresh color into the kitchen. They make an adorable hostess gift too. This playful summer project is great for beginners, providing a little practice for some straight line quilting.
No need to wait for strawberry season to make these quaint coasters. Using the strawberry templates provided, choose your fabric, scraps are perfect, and cut out your strawberries. Layer with fusible fleece and stitch on the leaves.
They’re a little addictive with an instant reward, putting left over fabric to good use. The strawberries could be any color, even one or two in purple together with the pinks and reds. They fun coasters and will brighten anyones day!
The Strawberry coaster pattern tutorial by Nadra of Ellis and Higgs is easy to follow, you can stack them up in a Saturday afternoon of sewing!